Artwork Ideas and Designs, Except Music, I Created

Illustration of taster bouquet of foods
Source of picture:

                                      Who do not know Leonardo Da Vinci? Maybe only baby inside woman's belly that do not know it. Leonardo Da Vinci is an artist with many talents who lived in 1452 until 1519. he is famous of his paintings, which is drawn with a woman half-body called Mona Lisa. He also known with his design of first plane. These two informations I got from a comic book of biography, have title World Figure Series 4: Leonardo Da Vinci (in Indonesian language, it is Seri Tokoh Dunia 4: Leonardo Da Vinci). For your information, Leonardo Da Vinci is a pioneer of ichnology, a field which study about trace of organisms ( , 20).


Illustration of musical notes
sandals and glasses. Music is everywhere. 
Source of pictures: and

                             Leonardo Da Vinci was an unique artist and scientist (nicknamed "Master Draftsman") in his era. I wish I could be as widely known as him someday. These are my artworks outside music:

1.    Various shaped taster bouquet of foods

2.    Occasional casing of handphone

3.    Doll pillowcase (eared, etc.)

4.    Canvas diaper

5.    Pocket diaper

6.    Alight diaper

7.    Batik toilet seat



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