Alter Bridge Comeback with a Single Called "Pawns and Kings" from the Similar Album Name

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          Alter Bridge is a rock band that was established in 2004, consists of four personnels: Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti, Brian Marshall, and Scott Phillips. Their first album "One Day Remains" was released in August 10, 2004. Until now, they had released seven albums. This single was issued in July, 18 2022. In its second weeks release it is charted first at seven countries, third at Norway, fourth at Argentina and Mexico, fifth at Poland, eighth at UK, and thirtieth at US.  Alter Bridge created a song which describes grapples. They give a message in these beautiful melodies, we ought not to surrender in dealing with obstacles.

          I have watched the video clip on YouTube and I think it is interesting in every aspect. The lyric are too long sentences but he, certainly the vocalist I mean, sang it like he can not waste of breath. The drawings are irresistibly compelling. An effect of animation that is never be thought by other bands—moving white bubble-like effects together with anaconda snakeis used here. SONG which is very recommended even you are a female that never like any of rock songs. 

          Lyric of Pawns and Kings:

Tear down the walls
And show your courage as you heed the call
Embarking on the journey yet to come

There is no time to waste
The wretched and heartless take
Your future if you let their will be done

Stand up and hold your ground
Don't let the bastards grind you down
It's time to show the devil what we are

Surrender never more
Though deep inside we're battle worn
We'll never let them tear this land apart

For all of the hope that it brings
And though we're pawns we could be kings
If we believe
Against all odds we will survive

Release the hounds of doom
Unsheathe the blade we cannot lose
We're fighting for the only thing we've known

And when it's said and done
Our victory is gained for love
A worthy sacrifice of flesh and blood

For all of the hope that it brings
And though we're pawns we could be kings
If we believe
Against all odds we will survive

The last shall be first
Give it time
If in the end we're still alive
Our victory
Will prove in time that we were right all along

We must stand up for all that we are
We must fight till the dawn
Till the last of their kind are gone

Stand your ground
Hold your head high
Your honor for your life

Stand your ground
Don't compromise
Your courage their demise

For all of the hope that it brings
And though we're pawns we could be kings
The meek shall sing this song tonight

For all of the hope that it brings
And though we're pawns we could be kings
If we believe
Against all odds we will survive

The last shall be first
Give it time
If in the end we're still alive
Our victory will justify
That we are right where we belong

Pawns and kings
Let sovereign wings
Give strength where there is none

Pawns and kings
The meek shall sing
Until gods will is done

Lyric by

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