Actual Causes of Cancer and Their Mechanism of Breaking

                    Cancer is a non-communicable disease which is characterized with much more rapid fission of cells in the body or on skin. Nowadays, definition of cancer is developed into many kinds. Not only much more rapid fission of cells, but also cancer of enzyme, hormone cancer, rickets, platelet cancer, etc. Latest knowledge said that cancer is caused by virus. Don't you ever think about it? Virus' breeding mechanism steps implicitly 'told' us about forming of virus rapidness. It is too far rapid than cells' fission so that a human can experience mortality within 7 days. This occurrence happens because the speed of forming new viruses defeat the cell fission speed. We have insight that regeneration of cells doesn't happens in short time, it is at least for one or two weeks (in tongue [taste buds]) (Without name, 2021). There is no way that virus is the cause of cancer. In addition, every disease in this world that is rumored to be triggered by a virus can be healed. Despite, they are mentioned can not to be healed if they are instigated by virus. It is impossible for mankind to survive in the pandemic as the violent communicable disease spread around the world. So, there is no virus in this world.
                    Matters that are flammable seems to be dangerous just when we put a fire on them. However, do you know that they can be ultrahazardous in our bodies? Yes. They can be like that when interact with oxygen and heat. They are the actual causes of cancer. Flammable things are things that have flash point more than 35.70914492  (308.70914492 K) in temperature where the actual temperature body of human in cold-climated area are 34  (307 K), e.g. alcohol, pork, coke, coffee, margarine (contain sulfur), and cajuput oil. 
                          In this paragraph, will be explained the mechanism of breaking in our bodies because of cancer affected by flammable things. In blood they erosive for important nutrients (breaking), for example, albumin (digestion result from proteins). Mechanism of breaking in vitro are, first, they enter the cell membrane. With oxygen and enough heat (minimum value of 1 J for a europium [content of chili]) at ANBr forming, they are reacted as a fuel in a combustion and destroy cell membrane. Organelles maybe also ruined into debris. If they reach cell core, then maybe the DNA might decrease in amount of elements. 
                         Usually, the most pulled element is nitrogen. This element habitually yielded when there is a combustion. They (nitrogen and oxygen) formed NOx. Exposed locus of DNA, if those are 'fission locus', they will be a cancer. If they attack gland, there are two things will happen, gland cancer and hormone cancer, and so forth. Flammable things effect can as well lead to congenital or genetics disease, such as brachydactyly, polydactyly, color blindness, and lesch-nyhan disease.
                          That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. If you have any questions, please comment below. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Without name. November 20, 2021. "How  does  the  body regenerate? | Renewal time of human body 
            body-cells/. Accessed October 11, 2023.

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