Brand New Formula of Mathematics Progression

Illustration of road. Application of arithmetic line and progression
in counting toll road traffic signs distance.
Source of picture:

                          Arithmetic progression can be described as below:

"Sequence of numbers with constant differences between consecutive numbers"
(Arithmetic progression, without year)
                   As we all know, in mathematics there are two kinds of line and progression. They are arithmetic and geometric. Line in math is ordered numbers which have the same variance one another. Whilst progression in math means the addition of all known sequences in both arithmetic and geometric line. They have many benefits, three of them are counting range of traffic sign in a straight road, computing area of uniform two-dimensional figure and volume of uniform solid figure, and measures of central tendency.
                    Arithmetic progression, let n is the order of sequences; a is the first sequence; b is variance; Sn is accumulative number of sequences, represented as this mathematical statement:

                    Otherwise, geometric progression, let n is the order of sequences; a is the first sequence; r is ratio (variance of geometric sequences which is multiplication);  Sn is accumulative number of sequences, represented as this mathematical statement:

                       That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Arithmetic progression. (without year). Glosbe online dictionary. Accessed October 23,                2023.

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