New Solubility Formula

Illustration of boiled water. Temperature of
solvent influence solubility of matters
Source of picture:

                         Solubility, we can describe it as maximum soluble matters amount in a solution that can contained by it (Sudarmo, 2007). Soluble matters are things that can be solved to a solvent or common people know as solved in a solution. Solvent is matters which can comprise soluble matters. Polar compounds usually solve in the same kind of compound. In contrary, non-polar compounds solved in non-polar compound. The higher the temperature the more the soluble matters able to be solved in solvent. 

                       There are two new formulas I will embody in this blog writing. First, is for water solvent. We calculate it with:

Sw = Solubility in water
ρ = Density (in kg/L)
n = Atomic Number
ψ = Phase Number (0-3)
%g = Percentage of gravity
V = Volume of water (in L)

                          Second formula, for other solvent, we can write down as:

ρm = Density of soluble matters (in kg/L)
n= Atomic number of soluble matters
ρ= Density of solvent (in kg/L)

                         That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Sudarmo, U. 2006. Kimia untuk SMA Kelas XI. Ninth published. Jakarta: PHiβETA.

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