New Dynamics of Atoms and Its Particles

Illustration of moving electrons in an atom
Source of picture:

                                In the past, we knew that electrons are not moving. But now (more than two years ago), I found that they are moving. Then, they have a calculation of four kinds of quantum numbers. Those are quantum number of main, azimuth, magnetic, and spin. In spin quantum number, more than one electrons in one orbit. This cannot be a reality because electrons can be crashed each other, much less the one which include many electrons, e.g. seventh skin (subsume 98 electrons) (Without name, Without year).
                                   Actually, there are no quantum number of electrons. Electrons are having 200 places of orbit. Every orbit is contained by one electron. And, they rotate while surround the orbits. Revolution, is a movement that cannot be separated from a rotating thing. Electrons from one kind of atoms can only enter each other (same kind of elements). From the number of orbits, we can conclude that the elements in periodic table are approximately 200 items.

Comparison between Covalent and Ionic Compounds

                                 Past knowledge said that covalent compounds was sharing their electrons together and their strength are more fragile than ionic compounds. Instead, ionic compounds do not share their atoms together, but bind strongly. In fact, covalent compounds are stronger in bonds than ionic compounds. This can happen because the atoms are one kind or near-placed in periodic table. Whilst, ionic compounds are able to bind to other elements even if it is far-placed in periodic table.
                                 The speed of atoms bind in covalent compounds are kite-shaped in value. Someone who found this invention is my friend. But he only mentions that they can just bind in a speed which is described as the more the range in periodic table, the faster the speed to bind with the element we want to react with and he just research 5 elements. I made it perfect by adding kite-shaped value of speed and the upper elements have wider range of binding. I call it "Mandy's Corollary".

                            That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Without name. Withour year. "Bilangan Kuantum Spin (s) beserta 
        December 8, 2023.

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