New Laws in Genetics (Part 1)

Illustration of Fertilization
Source of picture:

                        Genetics is a branch of biology which study about genetic material and its process of forming, trait inheritance patterns, and mechanism of them. Genetic material here means DNA (genes) or the unit of it often we called chromosome. One of thing we habitually learn in part trait inheritance patterns is consolidation of ovum and sperm. First thing you must know is ovum and sperm, in fact, have 2n chromosomes. Different from past knowledge where the chromosomes are only n in number. In human, there are 46 chromosomes (equal to 2n, while n in the past is 23 per gamete).

                             You must be asking why this can be. I mean why can the chromosomes number of gametes can be 46 (2n)? We figure out this soon in the rest of this blog article. Another fact you must cognize is actually in ovum and sperm consolidation, the chromosomes of one gamete are wasted. While another (ovum's or sperm's) is remained. For exceptions are sex chromosomes (XX or XY). Unit of chromosomes which encode shape of hair, lips, and eyebrow is also remained (from mother or father, but the opposite from majority origin of chromosomes). These chromosomes of gametes before-described seldom to have double type chromosomes. If they all have double type chromosome, I think it's impossible. I called it "The Law of One Encoder".  Characteristics in can-be-seen gene expressions (phenotype) only determined by one component of genes (one nitrogen base). We apprehend that such thing made an organism defect. For example, in Klinefelter Syndrome (sex chromosome XXY), sufferer's feet and hands are longer than usual people; when they are experience puberty, their breast become bigger but their testicles become smaller; their chest narrow; the hip is wide; and have one chromatin (Suryo, 2019).

                                There are "Defeating Factor" in ovum and sperm which are involved in fertilization. If XY wins, the baby will become a boy, and elsewhere. The XX and XY is in linkage. They cannot be separated. So, it cannot be change except God is willing to.

                           That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Suryo. 2019. Genetika untuk Strata I.  Seventeenth published. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University                     Press.

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