What Will Happen After Many Vortexes Occur?

Illustration of electrocuted ship
Source of picture: https://www.wallpapercave.com/

                                       Have you heard about MOAB (Mother of All Bombs)? If you never heard about this, you could search for the occurrence in internet. But in fact, there is another test of explosive material that is more than it in amount (twice). The test done by U.S. Navy on June 17, 2021 (Without name, 2021). Since invention of dynamite in 1866, many explosive materials test has been done (Without name, 2014). The biggest is at Bikini Atoll Island (Yulianingsih, 2021). I will not explain further, because here we are only going to discuss about the influence of it to the seabed.

                                         I upload an article to my blog a month ago, so-called Causes of Storm Theory. What happens next, is, after many vortexes are formed, many explosive materials are entering the holes too. The explosive materials are definitely going to explode. The soil will collapse to the core of earth. When they meet lava, they experience something named valencycellair erosion (when an atom touches flammable things, its valency skin and the core of it can be holed even though it is not burned). So, there is waiting time of them to explode, and we do not know when they will explode again. In my another precede article, Overcasting of Stars, I described fourth phase of material called "plasma". Plasma makes electrons interact and the sea becomes electrocuted.

                                         Other influences of this, protons and neutrons that meets other of them can cause the temperature of water decreased because they have positive electric charge. Interaction of them can be a 'cold electrocution'. Dead body of this incident will be scorched but cold in temperature. Supposing that the particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons) is peeled off, I mean the valency skin, the content will make the power much more stronger (thirty times). That is called "LVSP (Lose Valency Skin of Particles) Electrocution". While dead body of this cannot or I think may not be, sorry, saved and evacuated by other people. Thing which titled as atomic revitalization can make this like I-just-want-to-die-if-I-mention. atomic revitalization can happen when an atom meets again electrons, proton, or neutrons of the same kind. The valency skin will be shaped again. The probability for atom to be revitalized when it lose protons and neutrons is less than when it only lose electrons. Differed from the things I point out in Overcasting of Stars article, boundary of second core of the earth block the valencycellair erode atoms from falling to first core.

                                            Now we are going to investigate about the effects of this to continents after the sea dry (lands which are not affected by earth crust explosions yet). The lava will overflow to the crust, then the 'pipes' of volcano are going to be broken. But I do not know whether it is going to erupt often or not because the 'pipes' have been destroyed. I ask to someone about thickness of boundary of earth second core (outer part). It is around 50,000 km. The explosives can be valencycellair erode at 2,273 K (2,000 °C). While the lava is at approximately 4,873 K (4,600 °C). When the explosives vaporized and meets particles that are trapped at the bottom of continents, I can never imagine how big the explosion are.

                                        That's all we can discuss. If you have any questions or opinion, please comment below.  I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Without name. 2014. Alfred Nobel - Penemu Dinamit. Feb. 23
            February 26, 2024.

Without name. 2021. Konservasi Laut: Pengujian Senjata di Lautan, 'Tuli, Terdampar Hingga Mati', 
            Dampak bagi Makhluk Hidup di Bawahnya. June 23, 2021,
            https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/dunia-57577389Accessed February 26, 2024.
Yulianingsih, TSejarah Kelam Bikini Atoll, Inspirasi Bikini Bottom di SpongeBob SquarePants. July 8,              2021,

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