Decaying and Its Derivative Theories

Illustration of monochrome decayed apple
Source of picture:

                                      Reasons behind a food to be dangerous after it is decayed. Have them ever emerged in your mind about it? Foods that is decayed, we bought from supermarket, mainly the packed one (not bulk foods) usually have a label of decayed time or we call it expired date. There are six kinds of approaching-decayed-time foods and beverages. They are sell by, best before, use by, freeze by date, guaranteed fresh, and expiration/exp (Rohmatun, 2018). The further explanation you can search for in internet.

                                            In fact, they are because there are maybe mushrooms and certainly pathogen bacterias on and inside decayed food. First time, pathogen bacterias (typically E. coli, but can be other kinds of bacteria or even other organisms). The pathogens emit enzyme which hold dangerous substances within. Cause the enzyme filled with them, the odor is pungent and not pleasant. The dangerous materials I mean here are flammable things and other pungent smelt things, such as phosphorus in rhodophyta (one of class taxon of algae). It is seldom to contain mushrooms. Habitually, foods are grown by mushrooms when the moisture is moist and there is spore of mushroom inside that room. It can be a symbiotic state of organisms named lichenes. Lichenes is a joint of mushroom mycelium and algae cells that do a mutualism symbiosis (Without name, 2018). Clearly, most of mushrooms here have toxins. So, they have bad consequences for our health.
                                            Unexpectedly, come into occurrence a stopping of decay. If we undergo this, we can never predict exact expired date of materials. It is in connection with valencycellair erosion, plasma, and atomic breaking in phase change (experienced by a substance when it touches very hot materials) or can be broken before phase change. Stopping of decay will stop after it meets other atoms of the same kind. Note that those atoms will only attract atoms with more electrons than ones in normal atomic number. After that, it does not rule out the possibility that the material is going to be decayed directly. Another possibility is the material will be decayed partly.
                                      Why is there decay in every material (including metal, but in the metal we called it rust); and what if there is no bacterias and other organisms inside our world again? While rust is caused by H2O and its reaction with metal. In the past, we mistaken it to be caused by O2 only. My friends conduct an experiment to put iron and oxygen in one container and found that it is never rusted. That can be explained like: the Ois covalent compound; H2is ionic compound. Then, the reaction is not done, and because covalent bond is stronger than the ionic one, they cannot react. Though there is a reaction, the iron will not be rusted at standard temperature and pressure. As it is heated, the result will be rusting. So, with terms of high temperature, metals will be rusted if there just Obeside them. Whilst with H2O, the metals is going to be rust without heated. If there is no bacterias and their friends, you think there will not be a decaying? You are wrong. Moisture of air, rain, and other factors can be a threat for foods. Those things can be decayed in ten years on earth. The experiment used apple without any bacterias and other organisms, dipped in water. It reacts with the name of reaction redox (reduction oxidation), same as before described reaction (rusting).
                                        That's all we can discuss. If you have any questions or opinion, please comment below. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Rohmatun, M. Kedaluarsa Belum Tentu Basi! Baca Dulu 5 Fakta Soal Tanggal Kedaluwarsa Ini                Sebelum Buang Makanan. Jan. 11,


             tanggal-kedaluwarsa-ini-sebelum-buang-makanan/. Accessed March 1, 2024.

Without name. Lichenes (Lumut Kerak): Pengertian, Ciri, Jenis, Reproduksi, Struktur, Klasifikasi,                     Contoh dan Manfaatnya. Apr. 6, 2018,
             lichenes.html. Accessed March 1, 2024.

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