Egg Volume Formula and Way to Calculate It

                                               Egg is a thing which is emit by poultry. Can we calculate its volume? The answer is yes. How could this be? The shape is irregular. Upper part of it is usually bigger than lower part. Therefore, many people think that it's difficult or maybe impossible.

Illustration of painted eggs and a broken egg

                                           There are two side of plane figures in egg, the long one and short one. Firstly, let us begin with measure the diameter of one of two-dimensional figure of egg. We can label it x (short one) and y (long one) for this context. See Figure 2.

Illustration of long oval irregular plane figure of egg.
The long one is labeled as x and
the short one is labeled as y.

                                        We can make a line between edge of x and edge of y. It formed a right triangle. To make it easy, I took the right upper side of half diameters. Then we look for the value of hypotenuse here with right triangle formula. Pull a line that divide hypotenuse become two lines, not the same value. And then, see the bottom triangle result of this share. The right angle is on peak. Count sharing line of the hypotenuse. I told you to do this because we will use this as one of constant in our calculation formula.

Illustration of right triangles in egg's
long oval irregular plane figure

                                          Next, we must calculate one side that located near the arc. There is new postulate of mine in math, if the angle is right, round of a quarter of circle is circle radius multiplied by square root of three. While the wide of a quarter of circle is equal to outside lines of the biggest right triangle minus side over-left of the other side labeled with z (in circle) multiplied by round of a quarter of circle plus the biggest right triangle wide.
                                               Afterwards, we found the bottom broken lines value, hypotenuse of second outside lines triangle, through calculation of right triangle formula.

Illustration of helping circle
in calculation of egg volume

                                            Someone in my team and I, again found a new law in mathematics. Not only round angle and center angle of circle pass through the center of circle that have connection, but also angles which do not touch or pass through the center of circle have connection (round angle=two times of center angle). The third new law of circle is those angles have value which can be counted as length of it from the bottom per diameter multiplied by round angle.


                                            Indeed, way above are difficult to follow. But there is the fastest way to search for it. It is to measure the long plane figure and short oval-shaped plane figure in the middle. Then multiply it both.


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