Recent Chemical Properties Inventions

                                          Chemical properties are characteristics that a chemical substance have. In the past, chemical substances consist of element, compound, and mixture. Element are smallest component of everything. While compound are two or more elements that are united and can only be separated with chemical reaction. Mixture are two or more elements which are combined and separated with physical 

1.    We used to know that chemical properties of a compound are differ from its constituent. Now, its           constituents have its own properties that are still emerge in state of unity (compound). But, a thing       you must remember is, a compound has typical properties which been there since it was accumulated,      I mean the elements. For instance, there is an active substance in medicine, and it can still 'engender'       its properties even it is mixed with other compounds or elements. This substance, too, emerge joint         properties of every element and compounds inside.

2.     In the past, Group B of periodic table, all possess plus ions. Lately, it is distributed into two (plus            and minus ions).

3.     Many elements which comprise 50% of Group B of periodic table are typed to nonmetal.

4.     The value of oxidation numbers of compounds = 0  x < y, where y is biggest oxidation number.            So, the oxidation number of compounds is distinct from the past knowledge.


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