New Laws in Genetics (Part 3)

Illustration of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis,
a flower which usually used for
studying anatomy of flower
Source of picture:

                                 This is the last part of New Laws in Genetics (for theories I construct for years) before maybe someone or me can found other knowledges that is continuing, support (addition), or even subvert my theories. I start with past toppled knowledges. Precedent scientists specified this part of genetics knowledges like this:

1.    Blood Type

       There are 3 main blood type in this field of study. They are ABO, Rhesus, and MN. Based on ABO system, 4 blood type endure in our bodies (A, B, O, and AB). While in Rhesus system, there are 2 blood type, + and -. MN system have two blood type within, M and N. A chance to have baby with different blood type is remain only for ABO system.

2.    Emerging of Genetic Disease

       The cause is not known why genetic disease come into occurrence. 

3.    Mechanism of Cellular Fission and Trait Inheritance in Plant

       This mechanism of cellular fission used to be known as microsporogenesis and macrosporogenesis that have haploid chromosome, so there still be meiosis in its phase of fission. Have more than one core, one of them is pollen channel core (in microsporogenesis). Female gametogenesis here we call it megasposrogenesis. ... (megasporogenesis still be searched for). Next part of this point will be taken into account in sentences forward until the end of this section paragraph (number 3). Comparison formulas are applicable for plants. Just like in my previous part article, New Laws in Genetics (Part 2), the trait inheritance patterns are in history such those. For instance, there is Tt allele in past knowledge T is coded for high plant body, while t is for short plant body (Suryo, 2019).

                                   Authentic facts show us about nowadays genetics in these parts:

1.    Blood Type

       There are only two system we can acclaimed, i.e. ABO and Rhesus system. ABO system makes us impossible to get different blood type children from their parents. One of cases we know, actually can produce lethal babies by marriage of O and others. O babies will have clot in their blood circulation if the mother is from other blood type. The same thing will happen for Rhesus system. It will clot if meet distinguished Rhesus. MN system is not valid because in every species there are different blood type.

2.    Emerging of Genetic Disease

       Consumption of flammable things escort into defect of genes or we call it mutation which lead to genetic diseases. For instance, parent(s) consume flammable things and then if gametes of them are attacked, their babies will have genetic diseases (in first phase of life [still formed one cell only], the exposure). Consumption a while before fertilization may be affected on babies in zygote phase. On contrary if autosome of baby attacked (when the baby is in phase more than zygote) it will not yield defect organisms for the grandchildren. Parent(s) consumption will not affect too if just a part of autosome which own no connection with gonad, it will not emerge genetic disease. If glands of gametes-producing impacted and cannot produce complete set of chromosomes in gonad, there will be also a defect. It is found that DNA can be permanently damaged. Just like when one or more set of DNA are gone. For example, three nitrogen base coders of enzyme amount are loose from their "helix rope" series together with their rope. They cannot produce protein again, resulting enzyme deficiency. The trait like that I mention it "The Law of Poliencoder".

3.    Mechanism of Cellular Fission and Trait Inheritance in Plant

       Mechanism of cellular fission does not involved meiosis. Chromosomes number is steady in number of 2n (diploid), alike in human and animal. In microsporogenesis, the core are not the core. Whereas, they are young cells that will be differentiated as channel of pollen, gland of pollen, and stalk cell. ... (megasporogenesis still be searched for). Comparison formulas is not relevant for brand new genetics law. The Law of One Encoder has been taken the thorn right now. The Law of Poliencoder also take part in plant trait inheritance. The Tt allele does not subsist anymore in genetics. The truth is, The Law of Poliencoder of growth hormone be valid nowadays.

                               That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Suryo. 2019. Genetika untuk Strata I.  Seventeenth published. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

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