New Laws in Genetics (Part 2)

Illustration of defects causes in DNA
Source of pictures: 

                                   In the previous article of this blog, New Laws in Genetics (Part 1), we discuss about consolidation of ovum and sperm mechanism. There are things I want to share with you about trait inheritance pattern mechanism and genetic disease inheritance. Former science describes trait inheritance pattern mechanism as, at first, we use a formula to calculate the comparison between descendants number. Too, there are alleles which we write the symbols, the first letters from their treats, like T and t. The capitals are for dominant traits which defeat other traits (recessive traits, symbolized as small letters).
                                 I have read a book titled "Genetics for Undergraduate". I started to feel a weirdness when I read the tenth page. Mr. Suryo (author of that book) said that the number of comparison formula, of course it is not always 3:1. I mean the emerging phenotype. Those plant group have F1 (Filial 1 or first generation descendants), 787 high stem plant and 277 small stem plant. The comparison formula is 2.84:1 (Suryo, 2019)
                              We begin with explanation about trait inheritance pattern. Inside this new understanding, it has been changed. There is no such thing like carrier. I remind you again, the traits in sex chromosomes are inherited to newborn. And so from opposite of majority chromosomes origin. These facts I made hypotheses when I research about animal and human genetics. It turns out in the future plants have the same mechanism of trait inheritance.
                                     Genetic diseases accede to their descendants along with the chromosomes that is exposed to flammable things (look at my article, Actual Causes of Cancer and Their Mechanism of Breaking). Both minority and majority chromosome, if they lose one of the elements, there will be defects. It has connection with genetic diseases inheritance mechanism. Genetic diseases can be fall heir to their children by sex chromosomes and sex linkage chromosomes, or we can call it "Winning Factors", inherit genetic diseases if they are defect (only in gonad), but if it is not in gonad (autosome or cell of body) they will not be inherited. This kind of defects are also bequeathed for minority genes.
                                    Carrier is none in the dictionary of genetics again for this part of knowledge. For instance, a child has color blind and his face is similar to his father that have curly hair, dome-shaped eyebrows, and thick lips, and have color blind. But actually, he has straight hair, angled-shaped eyebrows, and thin lips. His mother is normal in vision. In the future, he married to a normal girl who have wavy hair, straight eyebrows, and wide lips, but the daughter has normal vision, just like her mother. Note that a daughter always resemble her mother's face, genetic disease, and succeeds her father's shape of eyebrows, lips, and hair. While the boys are always similar to his father in those aspects but have three different phenotypes I mention above.
                                    That's all we can discuss. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Suryo. 2019. Genetika untuk Strata I.  Seventeenth published. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University                     Press.

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