Latest Theory of Plants

Illustration of flower of blue thorn plant
Source of picture:

                                   Plants, though we research seems like till we die, still be many facts not to be able to understand or excogitated. So, many scientists have misunderstood of this commodity. I feel like that too. I have some fun 'information' about plants that will make you gawk. Why does these contrivances never been contrived by other scientists whereas these are 'small' or maybe 'tiny' things? I do not know and do not think about it in long-term. Let us just move on to the core of the post.
                                There are several things in this world about objects called plants that are not yet discovered lately. These truths or theories are:
1.    Cancer in plants
      This is not a totipotency. In ripe fruits, if there are parts of it which is green-colored, we left for              fifteen days did not go ripe after mature state time has come then it is a cancer. Also, another                  character emerges, i.e. green rash on skin (outside part). This last character invented by another              person. I found it last year when eat burger. The tomato seems to have green color in the center. If          you want to know more about actual causes of cancer, it is served in this article
2.   Respiration of plants
      Past grasp of plants said that it took CO(carbon dioxide) to breathe at night. Actually, it 
      takes O(oxygen) to respirate at night.
3.   Causes of ability of plants to make easy excretion in human being
      I think in the previous invention about this point, it is because of Fluorine composition in plants. But
     in the future of that day, I mean yesterday, it gets darker and darker of the plant color, it will be              easier for human being to do excretion.
4.   Pigments color for photosynthesis
      Plants photosynthesis pigments consist of three colors. They are blue or cyanophyll (which in 
      the past we knew as green we call the element with name of
      cyanium), red or rubraphyll (named rubrium [the element] which is different from heme in                      haemoglobin), and yellow or carotene (the element is so-called carotinium). Cyanophyll was                  invented when I found the answer of point three of this article.

                     That's all we can discuss. If you have any questions or opinion, please comment below.  I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!

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