Take Care of The Environment and All Living Things Going to Be Prosperous (Translation of Article in Bahasa Indonesia)

Illustration of Sea turtles which entangled by plastic waste
Source of picture: assets.la-palma.travel

                                         Firstly, let us start to discuss about human activities that has bad impact, the examples are waste trash sloppily and deforestation. Things that we do not think able to be pollute animals' habitat are usage of synthetic fertilizer (not natural fertilizer, like compost), eat foods that contains additive material which are dangerous for our environment, waste factory effluent without processed further.
                                      Waste trash sloppily can cause river settling. Do you know what is the cause? I know, and I am going to tell you. Pile of trash inside river cannot flow or decomposed right away (it takes a long time). This can cause water perforated to interstitial of trash pile, but the trash still be at the riverbed. It is cause as if occur settling of river. Fish habitat in river become narrower. When it comes to dry season, river water that ordinarily abundant are now easy to be dried spuriously. Soil at upstream follow the flow to the place which contain many trash. Then those trash are covered by soil and they cannot from the surface. This research is held with other researchers two years ago, I am the theorist. Many of those trash follow the river flow to the sea. Plastic waste mainly can cause digestion of river and sea animals become slower, even cannot functioned. Other impact is if circle-shaped plastic snagged inside the body small sea turtle, when it grew up, the body of it will formed like eight number, that cause not optimum metabolism.
                                    Second, in connection with my previous post, titled Actual Causes of Cancer and Their Mechanism of Breaking. Usage of synthetic fertilizer (e,g. NPK and ZA) can cause negative impact to animals' health in any habitat. Suppose, sea turtle can born without any shell if they are exposed to those substances. I want to tell you a rather disgusting experience. But keep in mind that I do not want to make you vomit after reading this. So, restrain this. Usage of, I am sorry, manure is not really good for our environment, E. coli can cause indigestion for animals, even human also suffered from it if in his/her body (except in colon) there are E. coli. If the amount of it excess in colon, it can cause disease, i.e. fake appendicitis (not actually appendicitis). I have eaten a chocolate snack which is have an odor like, sorry again, content of colon. Another processed result is usage of biogas, which is made of, sorry again, content of colon. Though it doesn't have odor, this makes it more dangerous. Because the indicator of danger is gone (majority of pungent odorous things usually are deleterious [irritant, toxic, and flammable]). It is severed with usage of synthetic pesticides, like DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), can make eggshell hardness of eagle and other birds reduced.

Illustration of sea turtle eat plastic waste
Source of picture: www.smalljoys.tv

                                            Third, eat foods containing additive ingredients that are dangerous for environment. My article in precede paragraph explain the health impact if we consume it. In my article which discuss about causes of storm theory, these materials become disaster too. Even shark that is predicted as anti-cancer, now can be suffered from cancer. This information I got from my working partner that is a doctor.
                                                        And the last activity, waste factory effluent without previously processed. Actually, factories in countries I lived in before (Indonesia) be obligated for process their effluent before it wasted. I have read article in National Geographic webpage about red-coloured cough syrup factory effluent and blue-coloured and green-coloured M&M's sweet factory effluent wasted in river, finally the honey which is resulted by bee in farm have red, blue, and green (Without name, 2012). The colourings are synthetic colourings that they said secure for foods, but in fact, the materials are dangerous.
                                                         Solutions for these problems above are as follows:
1.    Make substances which easier to be decomposed (organic) to change dangerous substances, e.g.           organic plastic (plastic bottle, instant foods pack, etc.), organic colourings, organic paper (time to            be decomposed is less), organic polycarbonate.
2.    Proceed organic plastic trash to be compost. Make certain they are not pack of dangerous                       materials.
3.    Campaign about organic materials (can be secure-to-be-consumed traditional foods or from organic        farm) in environmentalists organization and aspire or write a letter to government in order to them           do that thing.
4.    Make fertilizer for barked plant secondhand material from wood.
5.    Make society conscious about slow-food life oriented, not fast food that contain many dangerous            additive materials.
6.     Reasearch for substitutions of additive food materials which is dangerous.
7.     Proceed waste become benefitable materials, e.g. re-smelting of metal part of defect car, then it is            reused as raw material (lean six sigma principal).
8.     Recommend usage of organic pesticide from natural resources. But still keep the plant or fruits                become food grade (no dirty material, like animals' urine).
9.     Handle effluent of dead body of crocodile, snake, and animals that can be taken, I mean their                skin, to become accessories. Their meat are changed into matches and the bones are for museum             props, or if the number is many, it can be for spare.
10.    Aquaculture of crab for additive material of fuel.
11.    Use emission converter on our factory chimney and vehicle. Check it periodically.
12.    Decrease deforestation by make staged farming in order to save the lands.
13.    High taxing in dangerous additive materials contained foods and beverages.
14.    Aquaculture of coral reefs, because many are affected hot temperature in the ocean.      
15.    Conduct EWS (Early Warning System) of natural disaster by make evacuation place for animals.



Without name. 2012. Peternakan Lebah di Prancis Hasilkan Madu Biru Hijau. Taken November 29, 

            2012, from http://nationalgeographic.co.id/berita/2012/10/peternakan-lebah-di-prancis-


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