Ionic Gravity, Chemistry of Physics Aspects

Illustration of Stars System
Source of Picture:

                                             Newton's Law of Gravity was invented in 1687. Defined as a law of more weigh relatively to the second thing that can pull less weigh outer-space-located thing. That pulling force whose the component of it is called gravity acceleration. This is valid too inside atmosphere. Everything which is near to the ground will go back to the bottom if they are in certain range to the outer space but still within the atmosphere. This theory or law is a postulate, which means this is a knowledge which is indisputable.

                                            My theory (Ionic Gravity) begins when I research this with professors from one of Ivy League University. It comprises several sub-theories. Those are first, the accumulated electrical charges of planets are positive (cold) except Venus. Because the negative accumulated electrical charges are hot, and the cold or positive one occurs in uncertain time after the lava at the seabed is touched or mixed with water and emerge cold electrocution, as I depict inside my article, What Will Happen After Many Vortexes Occur? with the same title with the link written in this sentence.

                                            While Sun and other stars have negative accumulated electrical charges (hot). So, the planets are stay in their orbits for the reason of gravity of stars. There is another cause why planets are stay in their orbits. The answer is other planets behind it that is bigger than that (I talk about earth) pull it, so it does not touch or sink to the Sun.

                                            Next, we will discuss about distribution of ions and compounds inside the atmosphere. In connection with this, we have a question about balloon. Why can hydrogen go up the sky? Ions and compounds with negative electrical charge will stay at the bottom, or it will go down to the ground in case there are them from outer space. That can happen because of the weight of ions and compounds are more, especially substances with neutrons and bottom side atoms at periodic table.

Source of past theories:

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