Reasons Behind Occurrence of Aurora, As Well Fog

Illustration of beginning of aurora forming in north pole
Source of picture:

                                       There are two kinds of Aurora, light that is often seen in earth pole (blue, purple, red, or green) and its shape is like moving curtains, Aurora Borealis which viewed in north pole and Aurora Australis which viewed in south pole. It is emerged  on average, a year. Based on its kinds, Aurora Borealis take place  on average each year and Aurora Australis take place  on average each year. Aurora height is 80-100 km (minimum) and 400 km (maximum) (The Science Behind The Aurora Borealis, 2018).

                                              Aurora is caused by sublimation of elements with positive electrical charge, like cyanium (blue-colored, contained in my blog article Latest Theory of Plants), metorium (purple elements I invent inside meteor), altumium (red, large number of constituent substance of sun), grinium (the last elements in periodic table I invent on my own, green-colored). The aurora is maintained above on account of positive electrical charged elements I mention before have the same electrical charge with the other elements which present in the air over the negative electrical charged place. I called it Mandy Clira Compound Postulate. Many times, Europe (Stunning Aurora Light Up Skies Across World as Massive Solar Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth, 2024), U.S. (one of it is Suffolk [February 26, 2023 from Ryder, 2023]), and Asia (Manto, 2023). It is by reason of disunity of solar system. Sun is overcasted over less than a year ago. The gravity of it become small and the solar system constituents scattered (I load that in my blog, the link: Overcasting of Stars). In the past, there is moon block the light of sun storm (element from this event). Hence, many red auroras happen all over the world. Now, another star approach earth but I do not know the name of this star, we cannot identify star because the color is changed in every phase. The reason behind those elements be abide in aurora are explained below.

1.    Cyanium: plants cooked and seaweed decomposed and soluble at sea.

2.    Altumium: sun storm element fall to the sea.

3.    Grinium: in sea porifera and sea shelled creatures, for instance shell and nautilus.

4.   Metorium: meteor fall and the ruin are drop at sea, and storm bring meteor to the pole with sea                               current (then, often in U.S., now worldwide), meteor falls at sea, and experiments                                    remnant.

                                              Climate of world has become colder. It makes more auroras happen. This occurrence can be a sign of amount of pollutant or amount of negative electrical charge elements at sea and air. If aurora is lower in height, that is a sign of small amount of pollutant (mainly flammable things) or little number of negative electrical charge elements at sea and air, and so forth. Auroras hinder to be seen by the clouds. But airplane passenger and flight crew can see it, my friend told me that the ideal airplane height of flight is 33,000 until 42,000 feet or 10.0584 km until 12.8016 km. Someone told me that aurora can be seen in Africa since he was a child. It happens, and we know that in other countries other than Africa continent, number of days with clouds are more than in Africa. Clouds now seldom to formed because of cold weather, when we experience more hot weather, clouds will be formed more than now.

                                  Fog is an occurrence caused by rain that accompanied by sublimation of substances of rain in the air. What is the meaning of my previous sentence? Flammable things on the road vaporize the rain substances above. This comes from gasoline, spilled food, acid rain, sun storm, and the asphalt itself. Flammable things in the air also have role in sublime the rain which will drop but cancelled.

                                              I heard from somebody that aurora cannot happen on the land outside poles of earth. Only fog. This is because there are clouds on the land in outer part of poles. In north pole and south pole, seldom to be found clouds. It is because climate of poles is cold. There are almost no snow drops or evaporation of water.

                                       That's all we can discuss. If you have any questions or opinion, please comment below. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!


Manto, I. L. 2023. LOOK: Here's Where to Witness Northern Lights in East                                                        Asia

Ryder, L. 2023. Met Office Gives Northern Lights Updated as Aurora Borealis Set To Be Seen Second                Day In A Row. Retrieved June 5, 2024, from                        news/met-office-gives-northern-lights-8193269.

Stunning Aurora Light Up Skies Across World as Massive Solar Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth.                        2024. Retrieved June 5, 2024, from                   worldwide-as-geomagnetic-storm-hits-earth/103834604.

The Science Behind The Aurora Borealis. 2018. Retrieved June 4, 2024,                                                              from

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