Mistakes in Biology

Illustration of racehorse. Horse is one of animals
which experienced evolution
according to ancient biology.
Source: www.wallup.net

                                          Precede knowledges are not always true every time you learn it. For example, in 1632, Galileo, a scientist of Italian origin, make a book that has content of Sun as a center of Solar System (heliocentric). It is paradoxical with Bartholomeus' (scientist too) concept which supported Catholic church's perspective about Earth as center of Solar System (geocentric). Because of his statement, he is sentenced to be a heathen and threatened for death punishment. But his death punishment is cancelled cause he said that he withdrew his statement. After that, outside court law, he still said, "Nevertheless, earth keep spinning around" (Without name, 2018).  So, we must follow the development of science for our daily life to become more precise and accurate (for work, safety, etc.) and for goodness.

                                    First sequence of these mistakes is evolution. This theory is put forth by a scientist named Charles Darwin.  He said that localized organisms can adapt and evolute to form new species. I will load some facts that no one never report. This theory I do not think that it makes sense. Many things I can give to you as a prove.

1.       Evolution not to be able to become a truth cause DNA deficiency or too much in number can just          make defect in organisms, not generate a new species. For example, organisms that sufferred                 from genetic disease have an excess DNA or genes, we called it trisomy. Instances of this are                 down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, and Super Woman syndrome (Triple X syndrome).                     Chromosomes have their own functions. They do not have their parts, then code for protein                     making will be disappear, and proteins (e.g. enzyme and hormone) are never going to be formed             or formed in deficient amount. If they are not there (deficiency), there will be a defect too. This is           called monosomy (e.g. turner syndrome) (Powell Hamilton, 2023).

2.      About evolution but second thing, in the second section of "On the Origin of Species" chapter 1,             duck feet weigh less and have proportion of bone more do experienced atrophy, as we know                 nowadays in medicine. It can be a less usage of feet. Muscle that is never used can be less in                 size. And this definitely do not generate new species (do not add or lessen DNA number too).

3.       Paragraph below point 2 source, told about 'linked' feature of body. In fact, it is caused by damage           of chromosomes that in the same allele or near-located chromosomes. This break emerged when              things happen like in my article, Actual Causes of Cancer and Their Mechanism of Breaking.

4.       There is no varieties in the taxonomy. The reason behind is there is no difference between each              varieties' chromosomes number. They differ in colour or other traits because of their foods or                  climate of their habitat (e.g. two identical white siblings live in different habitat that have                      distinguished climate, one of those live in tropical area and tan-skinned, whilst another live in                  cold climate area and white-skinned) or genetic diseases they have. If you still have a doubt about           this fact because of black-skinned life in Africa, maybe you just have to pay attention to this. A              scientist told me that Africa is drier, common thing but I think I must credit him because he                      made me remember about it. Consumption of pork in West Europe has more significant number              than any other part of the world. This is one of example of flammable things which can cause                  black skin or black spots (so-called skin cancer) to the below continent. Fact that water flow from           high place to the lower place support my statement. So do other area―like USA and                              China―have huge amount in pork consumption. Below China, there is India. It raises Dravida              ethnicity. In addition, many foods in India are made of chili. While at below USA, there is Latin              America. The skin of south Peru country citizen supposed to be white. But due to flammable                  things flow to the south, they will be tan (scorched, phase before cancer). The water they drink,              soil, plant, animal, even the air in those era when human use many dangerous things (flammable           ones) contain many of it.

5.       There are evolutionists who think that 

                                              Second sequence of these mistakes are spread throughout other fields. Here are the facts:

1.       Blood do not contain any Fe (Iron). They actually contain Se (Selenium) as oxygen binder. It is              impossible to be there because Fe is easy to be rusted. Coloring substance in blood is called                  hemium, a new element, which I invent myself. This kind of thing can be found many in                         limousine cow beef.

2.       There are no variety in this world, but there are only species, the last classification or taxon in                  science of taxonomy.  Note that not every variety or organisms between species with different                  physical characteristics are in different species.

3.       DNA, we used to understand it, consist of elements of N, C, H, O, P (Suryo, 2019). But now we             know it contain F, N, C, H, O, Rubrium, Cyanium, Carotinium, (For these elements without                  symbol, see my blog article titled Latest Theory of Plants) Yolium (in yolk), Aurantium (in                      orange). The last both I invent on my own.

4.       Staphylo, strepto, and diplo bacteria are colony, not individual species.

5.       Tempeh (Asian food), nata de coco, nata de soya, bread, etc. is not fermentation results.                          For instance, Rhizopus sp., bacteria of tempeh soy joining, classified newly at Iuncturamifungi              sub phylum.

6.       Granose is a thing in seed. That is a sugar found there. In the past, we named that fructose, or                  we know as fruit sugar.

7.       Kombucha (Korean fermented tea) is toxic for body.          


Suryo. 2019. Genetika untuk Strata I. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Without name. 1633: Galileo Diadili. Accessed March 2,                                                                                      2024, from https://mediaindonesia.com/humaniora/167539/1633-galileo-


Powell-Hamilton, N. N. 2023. Turner Syndrome. Accessed May 30, from

            2024https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/pediatrics/chromosome-and-gene-                           abnormalities/turner-syndrome.

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