Materials Inventions I Have


1.    Talc (cosmetic) with natural-substance-made perfume (lavender, etc.)

2.    Almond flour 

3.    Taro (purple cassava) flour



                                        In addition, I have several inventions in chemical elements. They are mentioned below:

1.    Extulinium (might not be mined)

2.    Albasium

3.    Altumium

4.    Mandinium

5.    Yolium

Illustration of yolk.
Yolium is inside this part of egg.
Source of picture:

6.    Retenium

7.    Vasonium

8.    Neurinium

9.    Durabium

10.  Grinium

11.  Lithunium

12.  Rubrium

13.  Mutirium

14.  Cyanium (in my blog articles: Latest Theory of Plants, Mistakes in Biology, and Reasons Behind           Occurence of Aurora, As Well Fog)

Illustration of cauliflower leaves.
Not green, but blue element contained in leaves,
so, we call it cyanium.
Source of picture:
    15.  Hemium

    16.  Metorium

    17.  Sinensium

    18.  Lecinium

    19.  Asfarin

    20.  Sabulium

    21.  Carotinium


22.  Fuscium

23.  Aurantium

24.  Flavuminium

25.  Magnetium

26.  Soyanium

27.  Amasium

28.  Aranium

29.  Goldium

30.  Tamarium

31.  Pyrexium

32.  Umbein

33.  Fuelium


35.  Milkium

                                       That's all we can discuss. If you have any questions or opinion, please comment below. I hope this content is always having benefits for all of us. Thank you for visiting my blog!

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